Whole Bible Believer
The Pilot, the Writer—the Reason
I have piloted across the Atlantic, north enough to spot icebergs floating off the coast of Greenland. What a sight! What an experience! What a far place away from home! I later sat in my London hotel room fumbling with words, searching my vocabulary for language that would adequately capture that scene. It was a puzzle, but what came of that puzzle was a passion for words and the effect they have on people. Since then, I have written full-length works of fiction for my son, one anchored as far back as the 14th century. And though airplanes have rocketed me far from home, I hope my wholesome plots and their twists will soon rocket him farther. This is the wellspring and reason for my literary adventures.
This website, as narcissistic as it may appear, is really here for much the same reason—an attempt to describe some of the glacial bergs I have discovered along life's way.
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